Centro risorse Opteon™

Visualizzazione 21-30 di 78 risultati

HFOs vs. Industrial Gases (aka “Naturals”)

Industrial Gases (aka “Naturals”) aren’t the future of cooling

Performance E formance Evaluation of a Flooded Ice Rink Chiller Retr aluation of a Flooded Ice Rink Chiller Retrofit fr oom R-22 to R-449A

The selection criteria of working fluids for industrial refrigeration, dictated by both safety and environmental factors, has evolved continuously since the advent of refrigerant technology.

Next Generation Refrigerants: Building a More Sustainable Future

Discover how the critical role low GWP refrigerants play in health and safety, the global economy, and a more sustainable future.

Refrigeranti HFO e Costi del Ciclo Vita Inferiori

Scopri a perche' i refrigeranti HFO a basso GWP sono una alternativa economica.

Soluzioni refrigeranti HFO: l'Efficienza Energetica e'un fattore chiave.

Scopri come i refrigeranti HFO a basso GWP rappresentino la soluzione a lungo termine per massimizzare benefici ambientali e costi.

Refrigerant Conversions for Flooded Systems Part 2. R-22 Ice Rink Refrigeration Plants

Conversion of an Ice Rink Chiller from R-22 to Opteon™ XP40 (R-449A)

Refrigerant Conversions for Flooded Systems Part 1. Commercial Ice Machine

Field Conversion of a Commercial Ice Making System with a Flooded Evaporator from R-404A to Opteon™ XP40 (R-449A)

Sustainable strategies in refrigerated storage - Mascaró Morera Serveis Logistics choose Opteon™

Energy Efficiency is a term that is gaining more and more importance, especially in the context of global carbon reduction targets to fight climate change.

Efficienza delle prestazioni leader nel riscaldamento

Le pompe di calore sono una tecnologia essenziale per consentire la decarbonizzazione attraverso l'elettrificazione del riscaldamento.

Hockey’s New Power Play

Innovative, Safer, High- Performance Ice Solutions